Farming News

Growthful Doubles Root Weight of Greenhouse Peppers

by | Apr 5, 2022



Beem Agro Sciences spearheaded a case study for all of us at Aqueus to determine the effects of Growthful on the growth, development, and yield of greenhouse peppers. Different concentrations of Growthful were tested against each other as well as a control in order to find a solution that truly optimizes pepper growth and profits!


Trial Details

Location: Woodland, California

Plot Design: Randomized Complete Block (RCB)

Plot Dimensions: 1 X 1 Ft

Plot Area: 1 Sq Ft

Replicates: 9 Replicates per Treatment; 9 Treatments and an Untreated Check

Transplant Date 3/9/2021

First Application 3/16/2021

Second Application 3/23/2021



Growthful successfully increased total root weight, total top weight, and leaf size in the greenhouse peppers!

Just 2 applications of Growthful produced a 115% increase in total root weight and a 51% increase in total top weight over the control.

These applications also resulted in a 22.3% increase in leaf width and an 18.2% increase in leaf length.

Our trial also determined the optimal Growthful concentration for peppers. While all Growthful doses resulted in better development than that of the control, the optimal concentration of Growthful was found to be 25.6 oz/ 10 GPA.